Nov 26, 2020 / by Katrin Douverne / In Allgemein / Leave a comment

Press Release – CHOM CAPITAL Active Return Europe UI receives the quality standard for sustainable investments (FNG-Label)

Frankfurt am Main, 26. November 2020 – The asset management boutique CHOM CAPITAL receives the sustainability label of the Forum Nachhaltiger Geldanlagen (FNG), the Sustainable Investment Forum of German speaking countries, for its flagship fund CHOM CAPITAL Active Return Europe UI (CARE). At this year’s award ceremony, the European equity fund is awarded a total of two out of three possible stars as a high-quality sustainability fund for its fundamentally driven holistic approach upon its first certification audit. This rating is reserved for sustainability strategies that have excelled in the areas of “institutional credibility”, “product standards” and “impact” (stock selection, engagement and KPIs). The independent and renowned label thus certifies that the asset manager clearly exceeds the required strict minimum ESG standards with regards to transparency criteria and the consideration of environmental protection, labour and human rights, as well as various other sustainability criteria in the investment process.