
From professional sport to professional investing: Mindset machine Johannes Gans joins CHOM CAPITAL full-time!

Johannes Gans joined CHOM CAPITAL as a working student in September 2022 and has been actively supporting sales and portfolio management ever since. After successfully completing his master’s thesis in April and with the end of his field hockey career at SC Frankfurt 1880 Hockey, the former Bundesliga hockey player, German champion and youth national player is now joining us full-time.

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• Small and medium-sized companies, often global market leaders, drive the European economy forward
• Since 2000, small caps have generated an annual return of a solid 7%, approximately 4% alpha to large caps
• The recent phase of weakness in small caps offers investors an attractive entry opportunity
• The major catalysts for a small-cap outperformance are: Interest rate cuts, an improving economic outlook,
historically low valuations and the current under-allocation of investor money
• All four catalysts begin to interlock with each other and develop positively

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SUSTAINAMENTALS – INSIGHT 4/2024 – “Higher for longer” Analyses

• The European economy is recovering, which should support small caps compared to large caps
• Following cycle lows, small caps on average outperform large caps by nearly 16% within 12 months
• Rising interest rates could signal an improved growth environment and support the outperformance of European small caps
• ZEW sentiment as a reliable leading indicator for small-cap outperformance

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SUSTAINAMENTALS – INSIGHT 4/2023 – Portfolio Holdings

• As a technical service provider, SPIE is strongly exposed to various future topics – from services in electrification and energy transition to the expansion of modern telecommunications infrastructures
• The company is pioneering the sustainability transformation with already strongly increased taxonomy revenues and transparently underpins this with ambitious targets

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SUSTAINAMENTALS – INSIGHT 1/2023 – Portfolio Holdings

• Essity offers a resilient business model as a personal care development company, which has strong margin expansion potential in the current environment
• The company is pioneering the sustainability transformation of its set-up in the industry and transparently underpins this with ambitious targets

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SUSTAINAMENTALS – INSIGHT 1/2023 – Hidden Sustainability Champions

• We analyze where and how to find business models with a high and at the same time as steady as possible growth potential over the coming years, which are still undiscovered and undervalued.
• With real-world sustainability, we describe, among other things, the business models, companies and thematic areas that participate disproportionately well in the inevitable global upcoming sustainability transformation.
• The CHOM CAPITAL PURE Sustainability – Small Cap Europe UI bundles these hidden sustainability champions in a very focused way – we look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

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SUSTAINAMENTALS – INSIGHT 12/2022 – Portfolio Holdings

• Elopak is a climate pioneer for packaging systems on the way to a low-carbon circular economy with an ambitious transformation track record; the company has been operating climate-neutrally since 2016
• Cardboard packaging systems with superior sustainability profile – also considering the entire product life cycle

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SUSTAINAMENTALS – INSIGHT 11/2022 – Hessian Forest

• Hessian forest data has been deteriorating rapidly since 2018. We shed light on the situation and look at measures. Every hand can have a high impact here!

• CHOM CAPITAL plants the first 1,000 trees in the Friedrichsdorf district as part of the company’s commitment to donate 10% of fund revenues

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• Despite bias effects, ESG ratings are an important steering parameter for many investors, resulting in performance potential for holistic approaches.
• In recent years, an ESG rating upgrade in Europe has resulted on average in positive absolute returns and relative outperformance, while a downgrade has resulted in underperformance.

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Top athlete, student and sustainable finance? Yes!!

We are involved on a voluntary basis with SC Frankfurt 1880 in the area of hockey on a management partner level. Now, we have the great honor to welcome Johannes Gans, one of the best talents of the Hockey-Bundesliga, as a working student with us.

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WORKING STUDENT (F/M/D) PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT – BUY-SIDE ANALYSIS Are you looking forward to a high learning curve “on the job” and deep insights into the

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Der Fonds Analyst

The Fund Analyst reports on the third birthday of our high-yield CHOM CAPITAL PURE Small Cap Europe UI and on our active and sustainable investment

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Hessenhockey – Mission accomplished: 12.510 km!

Hessen hockey against cancer – running together for a good cause

The Hessian field hockey youth is on the home stretch: the participants have already covered 9,252. A great achivement!

The participating clubs are: SC1880 Frankfurt, 1. Hanauer THC, Safo Frankfurt, HC Bad Homburg, MTV Kronberg, Rüsselsheimer RK, Limburger HC, HC Kassel and DJK SSG Bensheim.

To the surprise of all participants, the captain and coach of the Japanese national hockey team have spoken via video message.

We wish all hockey youngsters a lot of fun and success as well as a nice pre-Christmas season. Go, go, go…..


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Hessenhockey shortly before Tokio

Hessen hockey against cancer – running together for a good cause

The Hessian field hockey youth is on the home stretch: the participants have already covered 9,252. A great achivement!

The participating clubs are: SC1880 Frankfurt, 1. Hanauer THC, Safo Frankfurt, HC Bad Homburg, MTV Kronberg, Rüsselsheimer RK, Limburger HC, HC Kassel and DJK SSG Bensheim.

To the surprise of all participants, the captain and coach of the Japanese national hockey team have spoken via video message.

We wish all hockey youngsters a lot of fun and success as well as a nice pre-Christmas season. Go, go, go…..


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Hessenhockey goes to Tokio

Hessen hockey against cancer – running together for a good cause The Hessian hockey youth run a distance of 12,510 km together and thus go

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Press Release – Changing mission statement

The asset management boutique CHOM CAPITAL is changing its long-standing mission statement as another milestone in its sustainability strategy. With this step, CHOM CAPITAL also adapts its self-image “PERFORMANCE DRIVEN BY FUNDAMENTALS” to the new circumstances. Co-Founder and CEO Christoph Benner: „Our holistic approach of integrating non-financial criteria such as environmental considerations, social aspects and responsible corporate governance in a value-oriented, fundamental investment process combines two worlds: the fundamental world and the sustainable one. Our new self-image reflects this development in a simple equation:


This means investing in attractive companies with long-term responsible concepts for our customers.“

CHOM CAPITAL calls this mission statement:


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Netfonds-Magazine „einBlick“

Succesful SMEs refer as guarantors for the European economic and innovative strength. Their flexibility helps them, especially in times of crisis: Decision-making paths are significantly

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Der Fonds Analyst

The fund analyst reports on the performance of the CHOM CAPITAL PURE Small Cap Europe UI (share class retail) as well as the more consistent

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Der Fonds Analyst

Our Funds CHOM Capital Active Return Europe UI was once again mentioned an article of the “Fund Analyst”. Article Fondsanalyst PDF-Dokument

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