Dec 11, 2020 / by Katrin Douverne / In Allgemein / Leave a comment

Hessenhockey – Mission accomplished: 12.510 km!

Hessen hockey against cancer – running together for a good cause

The Hessian field hockey arrived in Tokyo: together they covered 12,510 km. A remarkable achievement of the participants!

The participating clubs were:  SC1880 Frankfurt, 1. Hanauer THC, Safo Frankfurt, HC Bad Homburg, MTV Kronberg, HC Sachsenhausen, Höchster THC, Wiesbadener THC, Rüsselsheimer RK, Limburger HC, HC Kassel and DJK SSG Bensheim.

We are glad that we as CHOM team were allowed to support this event.

We wish all participants a wonderful Xmas season and good health and hope that normal training will soon be possible again.
