Nov 28, 2022 / by Katrin Douverne / In Allgemein / Leave a comment

Press Release – CHOM CAPITAL Funds Receive Award of the Quality Standard for Sustainable Investments (FNG Label)

Frankfurt am Main, 28.11.2022 – At this year’s award ceremony of the “Forum für Nachhaltige Geldanlagen” (“FNG”) last week, the entire fund range of Frankfurt-based equity specialist CHOM CAPITAL was awarded the FNG label for the third time for its in-house holistic SUSTAINAMENTALS® approach. The asset management boutique received a total of two out of three possible stars for its CHOM CAPITAL Active Return Europe UI („CARE“) und CHOM CAPITAL PURE Sustainability – Small Cap Europe UI („PURE“) funds.

This rating is reserved for sustainability strategies that have excelled in the areas of “Institutional Credibility”, “Product Standards” and “Impact” (“Selection Strategy”, “Dialogue Strategy” and “ESG Key Performance Indicators”). The independent and renowned certificate thus certifies that the asset manager clearly exceeds the required strict ESG minimum standards in terms of transparency criteria, consideration of environmental protection, labor and human rights, and a wide range of other sustainability criteria in the investment process.